As you age, tissues and skin gradually lose their elasticity. This causes wrinkles and sagging. A facelift, also referred to as rhytidectomy is a skin treatment that tightens and lifts these facial tissues. Excess skin may be removed, wrinkles may be smoothed, and the facial tissues may be tightened during a facelift. This procedure doesn’t involve an eye lift or a brow lift however, they could be performed simultaneously.

A facelift is focused on the lower two-thirds of the face, and more typically the neck or dรฉcolletage. Facelifts are offered for a range of reasons. One of the most popular reasons is to conceal the wrinkles and signs of ageing.

Facelifts are an ideal choice for:

  • Healthy individuals that aren’t suffering from medical conditions could hinder the healing process or recovery after surgery
  • People who don’t smoke or indulge in drug abuse.
  • People who have realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcomes

How can a facelift be used?

In a facelift, the surgeon will reposition tissues and fat under the skin in order to:

  • can help smooth out wrinkles
  • Remove excess skin that’s leading to the skin to sag or “jowls”
  • Lift and tighten facial skin

What are the different types of facelifts?

There are many types of facelifts, such as:

Mini facelift. The facelift is a modified form of it, the mini facelift is designed to tighten loose skin around the neck and jawline.

Mid-facelift. Also called cheek lift, the mid-facelift is focused on correcting sagging skin between the upper and lower jaws towards the eye. The face comprises the cheeks as well as the nose.

Non-surgical facelift. Non-surgical facelift procedures don’t require general anaesthesia nor large incisions. However, it targets the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, sagging skin and wrinkles. Vampire facelifts, liquid facial lifts as well as thread lifts are all examples of non-surgical procedures aimed at the skin of the face.

What can I expect from a facelift consultation?

In general, facelift consultations last between 15 and 25 minutes, based on how numerous questions the patient asks the length of time can increase to 1 hour.ย 

In a facelift consultation, the doctor will overview:

  • Family medical history and personal medical history
  • Medications
  • potential contraindications, such as smoking
  • the goals of the patient’s facelift skin treatment
  • alternative options to facelifts in the event that the patient isn’t an ideal candidate due to medical reasons (like when the patient suffers from an illness that can increase the risk of having to undergo general anaesthesia)

It is good to be well-informed and comfortable with what will happen and a realistic idea of the results.

facelift skin treatment

What can I do to prepare myself for a facelift?

Initially, consult a Doctor about a face-lift.ย 

The visit will probably consist of:

  • Medical background and tests. Prepare yourself to answer questions about recent and present medical conditions. Discuss your previous skin treatments and inform the Dermatologist that you have a past history of drug consumption or alcohol usage.
  • Review of your medication. Include the names and doses of all medications you take regularly. Include prescription and herbal remedies, prescription drugs Vitamins, and other dietary supplements.
  • Face examination. Your plastic surgeon will capture photographs of your face from different angles, as well as close-ups of certain aspects. The doctor will also look at your bone structure, facial form, fat distribution, and the overall quality of the skin. The exam will assist in determining your ideal options for facelift skin treatment.
  • Expectations. There will be questions about what you want from a facelift. The most effective treatment for skin for facelifts does not affect fine wrinkles or alter the facial shape.

Before a face-lift:

The process of preparing for a facelift is the same as the preparation for surgery of any other type. Prior to the procedure, the doctor will request an examination of your blood or presurgical assessment.

They might ask you to discontinue certain medications or alter the dosage prior to the procedure.

Your doctor could also advise you to:

  • stop smoking
  • Cleanse your hair and face. You’ll probably be required to clean your face and hair with a soap that kills germs.
  • Apply the right products to your face prior to facelift skin treatment.
  • Don’t eat. It is recommended to not eat anything after midnight the night prior to the facelift. You’ll be able to drink plenty of water and take medicines that have received approval from your surgeon.
  • Do not take aspirin, anti-inflammatory pain relief medications as well as herbal supplement to lower the chance of bleeding and bruises.
  • Make arrangements for assistance during your recovery process. If your face-lift is done as an outpatient procedure, arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery, since youโ€™ll likely be under general anaesthesia. You’ll also need assistance for a night or two after the surgery.

What is the procedure for a facelift?

Facelifts differ based on the desired outcomes. In the traditional way, an incision is located in the hairline close to the temples. The incision is made across the ear, then down to the front and around the earlobe. Then it goes back to the scalp, behind the ears.

Skin and fat may be eliminated or redistributed from the face. The muscle underneath and connective tissue is redistributed and toned. If there is a minimal amount of skin loosening or sagging, it’s possible to do a “mini” facelift can be carried out. This is done with smaller incisions.

The surplus skin and fat will be removed out if a neck lift is also being done. The neck’s skin is tightened, then pulled back and up. This usually happens through an incision that is placed below the chin.

Incisions are usually made with adhesive sutures that dissolve as well as skin glue. In some instances, it is possible to go back to the surgeon for stitches to be removed. The incisions are created so that they blend into your facial hairline and hairline.

It is common to have a surgical drainage tube following surgery and bandages that cover your face.

What are the potential risks and side effects of facelifts?

There are inherent risks associated with any medical procedure, which includes the facelift. The risks include:

  • Anaesthesia risks
  • bleeding
  • Infection
  • cardiac events
  • blood clots
  • scars or pain
  • hair loss in the sites of incision
  • an extended swelling
  • issues with wound healing

What can I expect from the recovery process for a facelift?

Your doctor would probably advise taking painkillers after the procedure. The presence of bruising, swelling, and some degree of pain or discomfort is typical.

Your doctor will give you instructions on when to remove any dressings or drains and when to make a follow-up appointment. You will have several follow-up appointments scheduled during the next two months after surgery. They will include the following:

  • After the surgery, the surgeon is likely to take out your drainage tube. The surgeon may also apply antibiotic ointment to your incisions, and then apply bandages on your face.
  • You could be able to switch between bandages and an elasticized sling for your face, after two to three days of the procedure.
  • Within a week of surgery, Your health care professional will take off the stitches and evaluate the wound.

Future visits are likely to be scheduled to check your development.

When the swelling has diminished, it will be possible to observe the change in the way you appear. If your skin is “feeling regular,” typically, this takes some time. Give yourself a minimum of 2 weeks before you can resume your usual level of exercise. If you are doing more strenuous activities such as exercise, you should take 4 weeks to wait. Every person is different, ask your doctor when you’ll be in a position to resume normal routine.

The following are some suggestions to enhance the outcomes of your facelift:

  • Moisturise your face daily.
  • Ensure to protect yourself from UV radiation.
  • Sleep well.
  • Get a nutritionally dense and balanced diet.
  • Take plenty of fluids.
  • Consult your doctor in the event of any concerns.
  • The effects of a facelift can’t be 100% guaranteed. It is possible that you won’t get the desired results with just one procedure. Sometimes, a follow-up procedure is required.

Discuss with your physician the best ways to ensure the success of your facelift. Also, what you can be expecting from the face-lift skin treatment.


Self-care at home in the first 3 weeks can assist in recovering and decrease the risk of complications

  • Follow the wound care procedures according to the instructions of your surgeon.
  • Do not touch your wound. Instead, you should apply a dressing to the wound.
  • Follow the instructions to determine how to start using soaps and shampoos and the types of soaps you can use.
  • Wear clothing that is fastened in the front. Beware of clothes that are pulled over the head.
  • Avoid any pressure or motion on or around the incisions.
  • Do not use makeup.
  • Avoid aerobic or vigorous activity or playing sports.
  • Keep your incision safe from direct sunlight exposure for 3 weeks. Make sure you use a sunscreen that has SPF 30 or greater afterward.
  • Do not bleach, colour or perming hair for a minimum of six weeks.
  • After the procedure, you may cut your hair in a way to conceal indications of the cut. You can decide to avoid going to major social events for a few weeks.


Your face and neck may look younger after a face-lift. But the effects of a facelift fade over time. The skin on the face may start to droop once more as we age. In general, a face-lift should last ten years. A facelift is not medically necessary, and there are risks associated. It’s crucial to remember the necessary preparation and recovery stages. If you want to explore your facelift options, get in touch with Dr Venus the best skin and hair clinic, to see if itโ€™s right for you.


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